- How to get Oregon public records, background.
- How the Oregon Attorney General's Public Records and Meeting Manual got online
- Carl Malamud and Public.Resource.Org puts all AG manuals online
- Oregon AG John Kroger's new Government Transparency initiative
- How to improve Oregon AG John Kroger's new Government Transparency initiative (in progress)
- President Obama and US AG Eric Holder's FOIA reforms - a model for Oregon
- Google is now in charge of the law.
Open Up Oregon
In theory, Oregon's state agencies will provide public records - emails, budgets, invoices, meeting minutes, etc - to anyone who asks, on request. But in practice, the Oregon DOJ has taken a narrow interpretation of those laws, and it is much harder to get public records in Oregon than is true in most other states. Open Up Oregon attempts to address this situation by providing practical advice about how to get public records, and by pressuring the Oregon DOJ to enforce and interpret Oregon's public records law to encourage agencies to improve access to records.